How to Build an Employee Meal Program


Investing in an employee meal program is a simple way to show employees your appreciation. Plus, lunch programs can help keep employees happy and motivated throughout the day. This guide will explore the benefits of a meal program and explain how to set up an effective one. Get the most out of your free meal policy for employees!

Why Should You Provide Subsidized Meals to Employees?

Company lunch programs are fantastic — they help motivate employees and create a feeling of community in the office. When surveyed, 20% of participants put free food above other job perks, and 65% said they would adjust their work attendance based on company lunches. Additionally, enjoying delicious, nutritious food has a positive impact on cognitive functions, so employees who eat a satisfying lunch may enjoy better results and boosted productivity at work. There are social benefits, too — getting employees to eat together can improve social bonds and community. 

Encourage your team to improve their productivity and team bonding through quality subsidized meals for a happier, more effective organization.

How to Create a Great Company Lunch Program

Every company meal program will look different, but this guide can show you the basics of how to provide meals for employees. Follow these six easy steps.

1. Establish a Budget and Get Approval

Your first step is to establish a budget and define program objectives. You might conduct surveys to gain insights into employee preferences and dietary restrictions and then use this data to create a realistic budget that aligns with company resources and goals.

Once you have your initial budget, you’ll want to find a vendor or service. Your meal program partner should provide high-quality meals at appropriate prices, and they should also align with your company values to ensure a beneficial partnership. When you choose a reliable provider, you can get the food employees love at the price you want.

The next step is to get approval for your meal program plan. You can prepare a quick speech or presentation about the benefits of employee meal plans, showing specifically how those benefits will impact your company. Try to emphasize the benefits fresh, quality meals can bring to your team. Getting fresh, nutritious food shows how much you value and appreciate your team — when your team feels valued, they’re more likely to go above and beyond for your company. 

2. Determine How Much Food You Need

Creating a realistic meal plan requires careful portion planning. The meals provided should be balanced, tasty and filling. Balanced meals provide the most nutritional value, tasty meals are more attractive for your employees and filling meals are the most cost-effective. You might opt for protein-rich individually packaged grain bowls or family-style buffets with lots of veggies.

Knowing how much food you need and how many menu items you can provide is vital to creating a program your employees will love.

3. Account for Food Restrictions

You will also need to consider your employees’ dietary restrictions. Some may follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, while others might be gluten-free or lactose-intolerant. Employees may also follow specific diets based on religious or cultural beliefs. 

To ensure everyone feels included, provide options for every employee. For example, if you order salads every Wednesday, work with your meal program provider to see if you can swap the normal chicken for tofu to accommodate vegan or vegetarian employees. When you work with Superfine Kitchen, we can adjust meal programs to fit individual needs, ensuring everyone has something that meets their preferences and nutritional requirements. 

When every employee feels included and like they have a voice in the company, you can boost company morale.

4. Prepare a Meal Schedule

A meal schedule determines when and how often you provide subsidized meals for employees. Will you offer meals once per week? Every Tuesday and Friday? On the second Thursday of every month? Only when you have department-wide meetings? 

When setting a meal schedule, consider typical work hours, break times and employee preferences. For example, if most employees take their lunch breaks at noon, have the meals delivered at 11:45 a.m. Align the schedule with the company’s operational needs and ensure meals are consistently available during convenient periods. 

Encourage feedback from your employees. Let them express their opinions about the meal schedule so that you can refine it and make changes. Foster a positive and inclusive dining experience that complements their work routines. Putting employees first turns a good program into one that everyone loves.

Juggling meal schedules for hybrid offices can get challenging — Superfine Kitchen offers cold meal drop-offs to help. We’ll drop cold meals at your worksite for easy storage and reheating. These meals let your team enjoy a hot meal at a date and time of their choosing. You get ultimate flexibility and flavor without having to follow everyone’s meal schedule. 

5. Switch It Up

The same lunch can get repetitive and boring, and finding that one magic meal that suits everyone’s needs presents a challenge. Varying your menu offers an excellent way to keep your meals exciting and attractive. Experiment with different cuisines or special menu items like desserts. Encourage employees to experience lots of different foods to help them find new favorites. 

The variety you’re able to offer comes down to employee preferences, budget and availability. Often, having weekly or monthly menu rotations works the best. Employees will have frequent access to their favorites while exploring new options.

Superfine Kitchen offers individual or family-style catering for businesses looking to give their employees exciting food options. Here’s an example of the weekly meal rotations you might see when you partner with Superfine to serve meals twice per week: 

  • Week one: Offer pizzas with lots of toppings on Tuesday and grain bowls or salads with lots of protein on Friday.
  • Week two: Serve a build-your-own salad bar on Tuesday and seasonal soups on Friday. 
  • Week three: Provide freshly made sandwiches on Tuesday and a taco bar on Friday.
  • Week four: Order Mediterranean or Middle Eastern dishes on Tuesday and family-style catering options on Friday. 

6. Find the Right Workplace Meal Program Provider to Partner With

Choose SFK for our focus on health and tast, personalized customer service, do-it-all services, and one central kitchen.

Finding the right workplace meal program provider is key, and Superfine Kitchen has everything you’re looking for, from family-style catering options to individual boxed meals. Our short response time makes us a convenient choice for busy work days, and our menus can be personalized to the needs of your employees. Wherever you are in the Bay Area, we can deliver to you!

Choose Superfine Kitchen for our:

  • Focus on health and taste: We prioritize healthy and fresh ingredients. Our mission is to ensure your team gets delicious meals that keep them fueled and satisfied all day. 
  • Personalized customer service: We work with you directly to get you the services you need. From family-style meals to dietary restrictions, we’re here to help meet your food requirements. 
  • Do-it-all services: We offer unmatched food flexibility. From adjusting deliveries to the number of staff and clients on-site to adding services for special events, we can handle it all. 
  • One central kitchen: We work out of one central, local kitchen to ensure you get high-quality, consistent meals. 

Superfine Kitchen is also part of the San Francisco Green Business Program, making us an awesome choice for companies that value sustainability.

Superfine Kitchen Can Provide a Menu Your Employees Love

For a comprehensive meal program that you can rely on, choose Superfine Kitchen. We will help you set up your workplace meal program and can provide fresh lunches that are healthy, tasty and filling. Choose the quantity and frequency that best suits your office, and we’ll take care of the rest. Superfine Kitchen provides high-quality food at affordable prices so your team can have it all.

To find out more about our services, products and menu items, contact us online today. We will help you feed everyone with delicious and satisfying meals.

Superfine Kitchen Can Provide a Menu Your Employees Love

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